Monday, February 25, 2008


So... I finally found a job. I am going to be working as a special needs assistant for a guy named Jonathan. I am SUPER excited! I am not starting until April though, which kinda stinks, but there's some training and stuff that I believe is going to happen before then. Yay!

Can you believe spring break is right around the corner? Man, this semester is flying! Midterms are going to suck, but it will be nice to have a week off. I'm not exactly sure what I'm doing that week yet though... Hmmm...

I believe I am now off the dead friends list, right? Booya!

Also, if anyone has a chance to go to Downtown Disney this Saturday around 6:50 PM (no later than that, bc this spectacular event is not going to last very long), I would highly suggest doing it. Don't ask questions. Just go.

Monday, February 11, 2008

My Job Search and More

So, as I believe I mentioned in the last post, I have been searching for a job for quite some time now. It has recently gotten a little better, and also quite a bit more interesting.

I got a job babysitting a 4 yr old girl who lives near by here, just to make some money until I find a real job. Last week, we had a ministry fair on campus and a pastor of a nearby church aske me if I was looking for a job. So I was really excited that she was hiring. I sent her my resume, and I should find out tomorrow or sometime this week if I get anything. The two positions are Sunday school coordinator and worship intern. Not sure which one I'd rather have, but either way it'd be a lot of fun.

However, before this happened, I was starting to get really desperate. So I sent an application to John Wayne Airport to see if I could get a job as a security screener... You know, like one of those people who runs bags through the screener and stuff. I totally didn't think I would even pass the first step. I basically sent it as a joke. But today I got an email back from the TSA saying that I met the requirements and they would like me to come in for a computerized test. I'm still not sure if I'm going to do it, but I Thought it was funny. Maybe I'd get free plane tickets and stuff... Ya never know.

Well that is pretty much the update for now. I'm looking forward to Valentines Day coming up on Thursday! YAY!