Monday, April 2, 2007

All suspets are considered guilty... Because of original sin.

Well, for those of you who haven't seen the hillariously funny Calvin advertisements (most of which are for Air Band)... here are two of the best ones.

Cops 2: Campus Safety Edition (this one's 18 minutes long but it's the best):
"I'm a Reformed drinker. I only drink John Calvin beer."
"The reason why we don't like Calvin students to park so close is basically because... Calvin students are fat.... and... they need to walk more."

Attack of the Killer Red Balls:
"You've got to go to the dance after Air Band or they'll get ye too! There's no stopping them! Rrrrun!"
"For the love of John Calvin!"

Ohhh man. Calvin students are pretty freaking awesome.
And the potential new french teacher for next year might be from Calvin! She seemed pretty nice.

I can't freakin wait till college.

1 comment:

Jillian said...

Oh my goodness.
The Killer Red Balls was awesome!!! But the other one wouldn't load past 2 minutes... :(