Sunday, April 15, 2007

Well... I'm home.

I'm home from Mexico.

It was a pretty amazing trip. I was so happy to see Monica again. And I saw my little boys again. Love those kids so much.

I cried when we left cuz I knew I'll probably never see them again. I mean... I'm going to be in college for a long time. And then it's off to work and marriage etc... The chances of me going back are pretty unlikely. I'm going to miss them... a lot.

Sad times.

On a happier note, Cristina's suprise party last night was pretty awesome. Lots of people there. And she was definately suprised hahaha. Good times. Happy birthday again Cristina! (even though it was over a while ago).

I love my friends.


Jillian said...

Wait... you have friends???

Hahahaha. Oh man. We all love you too.

cristina said...

thanks again shiloh for coming...
and i agree with jillian...
(the "we all love you too part"... not the "friends?" part :)