Sunday, December 9, 2007

An update on my WOW issues!

So, I finally got the issues resolved yesterday. I was so incredibly happy. So my main is no longer a night elf for the Alliance, it is now a blood elf on the Horde. I don't necessarily like the Horde, in fact I STILL think they're the bad guys, but blood elves are freaking amazing. And I guess they have a good reason to dislike the Alliance, since they destroyed their home and made them outcasts. Anyways, my cast is a Palladin, which is cool cuz I get to heal and fight. I'm basically a holy warrior. Pretty sweet, I must say. I also had my first battle with the Alliance today, which didn't go so well since I'm only level ten. Corey said we'll go back when we're level 19 and kick some butt. I'm pretty excited. Oh and I finally beat Corey in a duel!

ANYWAYS, exams are this week, but I don't have any tomorrow which is why I'm still awake. So I'm going to sleep in a bit and then spend the whole day studying. Well, probably not, but I'll try.

Good luck with your last week everyone! (except those of you who this isn't your last week).



Anonymous said...

Best boyfriend/girlfriend activity ever. WOW!!!!!!!!!

you should totally go to pc cafes on your dates. Own him up! Make me proud =)

cristina said...

"spend the whole day studying"...
and then as said by shiloh later in the day...

"with frequent WOW breaks."

haha, you are hilarious. it is almost grade-suicide to buy a video game the week before exams... yet, i think you just might make it :)